Disclaimer / Terms of Use

This is a personal blog. The content of this blog is the personal opinion of myself the author of this blog and has no ties to any hospital, health practice or other institution. Although I am a RN I am not your RN.

All Information provided through this blog is for entertainment or informational purposes only. All of the information in this blog and linked materials are not intended for health, medical, nutritional advice etc…and are not in any way a substitute for professional medical advice. All information on this blog and all linked materials are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or take the place of professional medical advice.

All statements on the blog have not been approved by the FDA and are the sole personal opinion of myself the author of this blog. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new dietary regime (including juicing, smoothies etc…), exercise program or altering health or wellness routine in any way.

From time to time I may have affiliated links on my page where I may receive compensation for products purchased through these links. Theses terms and conditions may change at any time without notice. You acknowledge that you are responsible for you own health and that you agree to these terms, conditions and disclaimer by using, reading or sharing this blog.